Why Do the Dutch Wear Clogs?

Clogs are one of the best known stereotypical images of Holland, seen everywhere from gift shops to window displays and traditional festivals. A few people still wear clogs although the trend today is for a lighter weight version. You can even get slippers designed in the style of […]

Anne Frank’s Jewish Amsterdam

Anne Frank is one of Amsterdam’s most famous inhabitants, renowned for her diary chronicling the tragic story of her family during World War Two. Anne Frank’s family home is also one of the popular tourists attractions in the city due to the poignant story of this young Jewish […]

Discovering the Chinese in Britain

Photograph – The Chinese community in Limehouse, London Docklands c/o Tower Hamlet Library and Archives. The Chinese have been long overlooked in British history, but a new exhibition called “Chinese and British” at the British Library reveals a rich seem of ‘hidden’ heritage. As a teenager my parents […]

The Holocaust: Europe’s Darkest Days

The Holocaust continues to cast a long shadow over Europe’s history after 80 years. Over six million Jews died in some of the most brutal and sustained atrocities ever inflicted on a civilian population. International Holocaust Remembrance Day is an opportunity to recall why it’s crucial to revisit […]

Remembrance of Times Past

Remembrance Weekend is the time when we commemorate those who served and died during modern wars and conflicts. It’s an important way of honouring the men and women who fought for our freedom, democracy and liberty. This year, I’m focusing on the stories of seven of my family […]

Bolsover: England’s Most Haunted Castle?

“On a dark night, the ghosts emerge to fright”. That’s what people say about Bolsover Castle in Derbyshire, dubbed England’s “most haunted”. The notorious reputation of the castle has grown over the years with sightings of ghosts, unexplained apparitions and paranormal activity. Earlier this year, I embarked on […]

Vintage Virgin Style

Discover vintage clothing, design and style

Rilak's Zagreb Guide

Zagreb, Croatia and beyond

Went Looking

see the world. think about it. then act.

Tim Dreese's Travel Log & Design Journal

Casual observations & photo gallery of people, places, innovation and creativity discovered on the road . . . somewhere in the universe

'Jules Told Me' by Jules Brown

Travel. Meet Writer.

northumbrian : light

Random thoughts from deepest Northumberland


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The Curse of Verse

Language, spin & the state we're in... apolitical verse and the odd song from Martin Craig

How To Spy On Birds

Sharing the pleasures of birding.